①feel empty
②dwell on
③I’m bummed
④not my thing
⑤lift ~ up
⑥be defiant
⑦I’ve had it (with ~)
⑧I can’t function
⑨It hit me that
⑩It had never crossed my heart.
①feel empty
例:I want my anxiety to just go away forever. I feel empty like there’s no point in doing anything.
②dwell on~
Dwellは住む、居住する、という意味。dwell on 〜で〜の上に住む、比喩的に〜に固執する、くよくよ悩む、といった意味になります。
例:Stop dwelling on the past and things you can’t control. What’s done is done, and it’s up to you to make changes.
③I’m bummed
落ち込んでいる、凹んでいるという意味の表現。主にアメリカ英語のようです。I’m bunned out. という表現もある模様。
例:I’m so bummed out because I really wanted to be there.
④not my thing
苦手意識がある、という意味の表現。関連表現に、”I’m cut out for(これは向いている、という意味)”というものもあります!
例:Computer science is not my thing.
⑤lift ~ up
例:Your words lifted me up when I was going through unbearable pain.
⑥be/become defiant
例:He become defiant about that. He has a lot of nerve.
⑦I’ve had it (with ~)
例:I’ve had it with the insults on social media!
⑧I can’t function
I can’t function when there’s a lot going on.
⑨It hit me that
例:My colleague was talking about his own project, and it hit me that I hadn’t prepared my presentation on time.
⑩It had never crossed my heart
考えたこともなかった、という意味の表現。crossを使ったイディオムはたくさんありますが、例えば”cross the line”(日本語の一線を超える、とほぼ同じ意味。許容できる範囲を超える。)とか、”cross someone’s path”(誰々にふと出会う)、”Cross the Rubico”(point of no returnを超える)といった表現があるので合わせて覚えたいところです!
例:That’s a good question. It had never crossed my mind!